(teachers & friends)
This list is a work in progress.......
Swami & Spiritual Scientist
Swami Shree Yogi Guruji Satyam -
Yogi Satyam emphasizes that we each form a direct connection to Creator.
Author - Unifier of Science and Spirituality
Gregg Braden
Gregg makes it clear that there should be no separation between science and spirituality, deep truth is deep truth.
Jiddu Krishnamurti
Krishnamurti rejected his role as appointed avatar, and warned against the formation of religious thinking.
Sage of Kirtan
Shubalananda Saraswati
Shubal has the gift of being able to summarize the greater, ecumenical ideals of Hinduism. And exposed me to the pure joy of Kirtan.
Alan Stonewolf
Alan is connected to the higher worlds, the few words he speaks carry deep wisdom. Alan helped me open my heart to the all.
Yogini (Gurudevi)
Karendayal Foster
Karendayal allowed me to finally start walking the walk of my spiritual talk, healing the distortions, contradictions and hypocracies within my being.
Reverend & Yogini Shelley Colvin Dungan
Shelley is the most perfect being I have encountered on this Earth. So completely multi-faceted, spiritually, mentally, physically and socially. All aspects and levels of her being shine with the radiance of a million suns. She inspires, teaches, heals and loves all in her path, a true role model for spiritual growth she is, to myself and all who are lucky enough to know her.
Chakra Healer
Jessica Kozak
Jessica brought the spirit of divine mother into my consciousness, awareness and being, and connected me to fellow seekers and spiritual family.
Jyotish Vedic Astrologer & Divination Expert
Karyn Chabot D. Ay, MA, LMT &
It is a gift that words cannot adequately describe, to meet a twin soul, someone who brings you joy just by being, thank you dear Twinner!
Life Coach
Kerry Cudmore
Allowed me to realize that I can do anything I imagine, to step aside and let go of fear and limiting belief, to live my soul purpose.
Soul Brother
Satjot Singh (Ji Sounds)
Satjot showed me that the ancients held great spiritual wisdom and that we an apply it to our lives for the betterment of all beings.
Soul Sister
Aditi Tteja
Aditi lives the life I am working toward emulating. She has an innate gift of understanding and communicating deep spiritual wisdom from diverse sources into a message we can all understand and apply to our lives.. Most important, she embodies an innate spiritual knowingness in all that she does.
Multi-Modality Healer
Dr Jessica Daniels
Dr Jess offers cutting edge healing methods like PEMF Systems, Far Infrared, the Chi Machine, scientifically documented herbal remedies and many other new systems for restorative wellness using an integrative approach to healing.
Beth Koch Rosato
Beth offers universally applicable wisdom about how we can work with the energy of the cosmos to improve our daily lives.
Vedic Astrologer
Karyn Chabot
I am firmly convinced Karyn and I fell out of the Chamber of the Guf, together, a twin soul I have know for eons of time. She is a master of mystical card divination, which is the most profound and accurate divination system I have yet to encounter.
Ruth Nodel
All of Ruth's messages and feedback are completely practical, grounded, realistic and most important, loving and supportive.
My Spiritual Guide
I really do have someone watching over me, she has stood by my side every minute, watching, guiding and protecting me from myself. And now that I am aware of her, she provides words of wisdom and spiritual guidance.
Regarding Motherhood
A note to my son’s mom, thank you for being everything that you are, together we have succeeded greatly as co-parents, all I have for you is deep gratitude, appreciation and admiration, now and always.
Other influences:
Nisargadatta Maharaj, The Science and Non Duality movement, Kabbalah, Gnosticism, Rosicrucianism, Kriyayoga, Kundalini Yoga, Huna, Theosophism, Hopi, Lakota and Sioux spiritual traditions, Nikola Tesla's ideas regarding the unmanifest and 3's,6's & 9's, A Course in Miracles, 12 Step Recovery system(s), Secular Humanism, Unitarian Universalism, Neo-Pagan ideals, The Major Tenets of Buddhism, Swami Vivekananda, Sri Aurobindo, Rabindrinath Tagore, Alan Watts, Terence McKenna, Yogi Bhajan, Black Elk, Mahatma Gandhi, Mooji, Gangaji, Henry David Thoreau, Mary Baker Eddy, Mother Teresa, Edgar Cayce, Mary Magdalene, Meher Baba, Shaktism,Vaishnavism, Drunvalo Melchizedek, Rupert Sheldrake, David Wilcock, Nassim Haramein.
Origin of Sriman Das
Sriman means, " he who serves the mother of the world". (Das means, "servant to").
She is the Adi Parashakti, whose emanations also include Srimati Radharani, Saraswati, Durga, Parvati & Gauri..
Rock on, Sat Nam
Couldn't resist adding a link to :
A very powerful, modern, rock & roll influenced Kirtan sound